
Hey everyone, that was so fun we’re doing it again!  

EXPLORE 2015 @ AAMAS 2015!!  

 Please see the new website for more information and we hope to see you in Istanbul.


Thanks everyone so much for turning out and making the workshop so much fun.  There was a lot of great discussion and I hope everyone came away with something positive.  We have posted the tutorial slides from both Joerg’s and Nick’s presentations over on the Program page.  We hope to see everyone next time!

Call For Papers

The 1st Workshop on Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice (EXPLORE 2014) will be held at AAMAS 2014 in Paris, France.


Computational Social Choice (ComSoc) is a rapidly developing field at the intersection of computer science, economics, social choice, and political science.  Groups across multiple disciplines have moved quickly to identify, model, and study, from multiple perspectives, group decisions and preference aggregation.  While the surge of research in this area has created dramatic benefits in the areas of market matchings, recommendation systems, and preference aggregation, much of the community remains focused on worst case assumptions.

As an emerging and somewhat divergent field of inquiry we believe that a workshop would be an ideal format to bring together researchers and practitioners to promote discussion and cross collaboration between the various fields. This workshop will be of interest to all researchers in the ComSoc community who are looking to the future of the research area.  Additionally, members of the Recommender Systems, Preference Handling, Economics, and Social Choice communities should be interested in some of the practical ramifications of moving beyond worst case analysis in preference aggregation problems.

We encourage papers related to:

  • Algorithms
  • Empirical studies
  • Average case analysis
  • Identification of tractable sub-cases
  • Fixed parameter complexity analysis
  • Benchmarking analysis
  • Approximation results and heuristics

And other practical or theoretical studies related to relaxing worst case assumptions in Computational Social Choice.  We will additionally have two short mini-tutorials during the workshop centered on tools and techniques for empirical analysis in voting theory and fixed parameter tractability for social choice problems.

Important Dates

  • Paper Submission Deadline: February 1, 2014,  February 10, 2014
  • Author Notification: March 1, 2014, March 6th, 2014
  • Workshop: May 5-6, 2014